Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Individual Production Journal.

Amanda S.

Wednesday, 6/15/11

Current state of mind - Making ideas, you can hear the gears turning in my head...crrrank, crunch, whirrr.

Current Task(s):  Job leads, journal, Character design (4), Storyboards
On The Horizon: Animatic, fastest one I've ever produced...haha.

What is working: Character design. I just made a few lines for the boy's face and somehow it just clicked. Now for cat, and two female characters.

What isn't working: Animator's block.

Additional Thoughts: I looked up the artist for the Hedwig "Origin Of Love" animation. It was a couple who are an animation team, who have a distinct style to their art, which I am very into.

Here's the link!

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