Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Done with coloring......and flattening the files....now onto final timing...I keep realizing again and again how emotional all this is for me. Here's a secret...when I hooked my colored frames up with After Effects I started tearing up! Every step I take with this I realize how attached I am to the project...I wonder if this happens to many animators. I am currently using After Effects CS6 for my 2d animation and although I still have my notes from AE class, it's been about six to eight months since I've used CS4 AE, and when I try to time out some 2d animation frames, the RAM preview plays back too slow, almost like 1 frame per second, which makes me think I need more frames, and I know that's not right; but I remember going to Composition Settings and trying different frame rates, but it doesn't seem to help, the frames aren't playing back fast enough. I went to the library at my college to see if I could check out the book but I can't and I can't buy it (can't afford it right now). This makes things difficult. I can however copy notes out of it while in the library and look up tutorials online. My google searches are coming up vague; Are there specific keywords that might ring the bell? I am not having any trouble setting up the nested comp/scenes, just the playback timing. I have many solutions to try out. I'll use photoshop sequences along with single frames.