Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Point

I couldn't wait to show a few of my favorites on here. Everyone around me knows I love to schmooze about animation, it's always been one of my favorite subjects since I was a little kid. Back then I wanted to draw Mickey Mouse for Disney, and that was in the late 80's, back when our dear friend Becky Wibles was doing her thing on Nickelodeon...when John Kricfalusi started Ren and Stimpy...and Beetlejuice was the latest Tim Burton Film.

The first clip I want to share is from Harry Nilsson's "The Point" (Harry Nilsson, who wrote it, also wrote the famous song, "Coconut", from the album "Nilsson Schmilsson"), which also starred Ringo Starr as the narrator. Yes I know I know too much about pointless things. But as the Rock Man says in this story, "You don't have to have a point, to have a point, ya dig?" And that is the beauty of the story, (and the literal shape of the main character, "Oblio".)

Follow this link to see this clip from "The Point".