Thursday, June 27, 2013

Here's a screen shot from my project, Meet Max, in Final Production...yay After Effects :) Stay tuned! All scenes in place and timed to music. Just a little more tweaking and we're in business. :)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Work lately on short film (Meet Max)

June 11 - So far, Scenes 1-7 setup roughly. Polishing happening on tracking, timing, etc later on in animation pipeline.

*Scene 06 needs Girl #1 standing in it and is incomplete. She is on the right.

Scene 7 timed well, could be pushed further for even better effect.

June 15 - Scenes 1-9 set up roughly, halfway done setting up scenes.

Still FRANTICALLY searching for information that will ring those bells in my head on tracking and compositing (I'm not sure if that is the correct term, but what I mean is having 2 characters in one scene playing simultaneously - having both characters show up in the same scene, and how to set the "layers" up in the timeline, if that makes any sense whatsoever.) Anyway, here's a picture of me working on it!